In order to provide assessments that result in fair and valid measurements, ACTFL 星际网赌登录政策 serve as guidelines for test development, 政府, 得分, 和维护 and refreshment of ACTFL assessments. 这些策略确保星际网赌登录引出并度量它们打算度量的内容, provide equitable and fair access to the assessments, maintain test taker personal information and scores, 并保持ACTFL星际网赌登录以熟练程度为基础的完整性.
Accommodations Policy
ACTFL坚定地致力于促进所有寻求星际网赌登录世界语言能力的个人平等获得其星际网赌登录和住宿. 为此目的, ACTFL星际网赌登录提供适合每个候选人条件和需求的住宿. ACTFL的住宿政策为国际语言测试(LTI)提供指导。, exclusive licensee of ACTFL assessments.
Assessment Integrity Policy
Test takers are required to review a Test Taker Integrity Policy, prior to taking an ACTFL assessment. 基于ACTFL熟练程度的星际网赌登录旨在星际网赌登录自发的,未经排练的语言. Any responses provided by the test taker are assessed by certified ACTFL raters with that in mind; likewise, 机器评分星际网赌登录在各自的评分算法中考虑了这一点. ACTFL的星际网赌登录诚信政策概述了考生破坏ACTFL语言能力星际网赌登录预期用途的行为,并概述了此类行为的后果.
Record Retention and Test Taker Confidentiality Policy
考生保密和安全记录保存是ACTFL星际网赌登录计划的优先事项. 根据ACTFL的记录保留和考生保密政策,作为国际语言测试(LTI)的指导。, exclusive licensee of ACTFL, for their 政府 and 得分 of ACTFL assessments.
Because ACTFL assessments are proficiency-based, 随着时间的推移,语言的使用和语言的学习是提高语言熟练程度的重要因素. 像这样, ACTFL一般不允许考生在考试管理后90天内重新参加考试. 除了, familiarization with the content of the assessment creates a test effect, 这也, affects the assessment of proficiency. In order to provide an accurate measurement of language proficiency, 在两次连续的星际网赌登录之前,必须经过一段延长的时间. ACTFL的重测政策提供了有关重测和重测政策例外的信息.
Test Maintenance and Refresh Policy
ACTFL的测试维护和刷新策略概述了维护和刷新计划,以确保测试在整个使用期间保持有效和可靠. 维护文件包括测试性能星际网赌登录和项目性能评审过程的规范,以及测试员/评级员的认证和校准. 刷新文档包括用于刷新测试内容的过程和度量. Validity and reliability evidence documents are retained, 保留率可以追溯到最初的有效性和可靠性审查.
Test Security Policy
为了保护考试的完整性,考试安全是ACTFL的重中之重, 有效性, and content of its assessments. ACTFL的考试安全政策为国际语言测试(LTI)提供指导, exclusive licensee of ACTFL assessments, for security measures to safeguard ACTFL assessments. In the event of a security breach, 从星际网赌登录和新项目中提取已暴露的提示或项目.