In this age of accountability in education, policymakers and administrators, as well as parents, 越来越多的人要求知道关于语言学习的好处的研究表明了什么. 我们将确定一些主要的相关研究,强调语言学习者如何从他们的经验中受益. Explore the links below for studies specific to those areas.
Research Findings
Academic Achievement
Cognitive Benefits
Cultural Attitudes and Beliefs
Language education benefits everyone
学生并不是唯一从语言学习中受益的人. 教和学语言的好处遍及整个社会和我们的世界.
Employability and World Languages
Thanks to Amanda Kibler and Sandy Philipose, 斯坦福大学瓜达卢佩·瓦尔德萨斯的研究生研究助理, for assisting in the compilation of these studies.